DEGREE : Ph. D. (Korea University)
·Ancient Greek History
·Ancient Slavery
·Social and Economic History in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Kim Jin-Kyung, Song Moon-Hyun, Lectures on the Ancient Western History (Hanul, 1996, new edition 2010).
M.I. Finley, trsl. Song Moon-Hyun, Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology (translated into Korean) (민음사, 1998).
Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology(Translation), 277 pp., Minumsa Publishing Co. 1998
·"Origin and Uses of the Early Coins", Journal for the Promotion of Classical Studies, Vol. 6 (Nov.1998): 31-70
·"Ancient Greek Slavery", Lectures on the Ancient History, Hanul (1996): 145-185
·"Hektemoroi and the Problem of Land Tenure: A Reconsideration", Journal for the Promotion of Classical Studies, Vol. 1 (1993): 1-26
·"Slavery in the Homeric World", Sa-Chong Vol. 37·38 (Dec. 1990): 121-154
“Spartan heilotai and the Type of Subordination”, in The Western History Review 87(2005. 12), pp. 5-37.
“The Trojan War ? Between Tradition and Evidence”, in The Journal of Classical Studies 21(2007. 12), pp. 33-66.
“The People on the Linear B Tablets”, in The Western History Review, 103(2009), pp. 5-36.
“The Structure and Role of the Mycenaean Palace Economy”, in The Journal of Classical Studies 28(2011), pp. 51-82.