DEGREE : Ph. D. (Pusan National University)
·Ancient Korean History
·Kaya(加耶) History
BOOKS :Kaya(加耶) History for the citizens, 357 pp., Zipmundang Press, 1996 (collaboration)
·"1-3rd Century Kaya(加耶) Groups and Its Development-the appearance of Suro(首露) Group and Posanpalkuk's War", Budae Sahak(釜大史學), No. 13 (Jun. 1989): 1-35
·"An Illustration of Kaya and Distribution of Kaya's countries: in Relation to Application of an Concept' Kaya's League", Pusan Sahak(釜山史學), Vol. 22 (Jun. 1992): 1-59
·"Problems in Analysis of Music Composed by Uruk(于勒)", Hankuk Godeasa Nonchong(韓國古代史論叢), No. 3 (May. 1992): 459-479
·"The Development of so-called A Meeting for the Ymna Reconstruction(任那復興會議) and Its Nature", Budae Sahak(釜大史 學), No. 17(Jun. 1995): 43-77
·"A Political Decline of Kara(加羅) in the Early of 6th Century and Its Relationship with Music Composed by Uruk(于勒)", Budae Sahak(釜大史學), No. 19 (Jun. 1995): 53-82
·"The Creation and Development of Pyunhan: to be connected with the Nature of 'Pyunjinkusakuk'(弁辰狗邪國)", Hankuk Godeasa Yeongu(韓國古代史硏究), No. 9 (Nov. 1995): 153-220
·"A Study on a Territorial Alliance of Kaya in Ancient Korea", Ph. D. Dissertation, Pusan National University (Feb. 1995)
·"A Study on the Marriage Alliance of Kara-Silla", Budae Sahak(釜 大史學), No. 20 (Jun. 1996): 1-33
·"A Study on Ynasa(移那斯) and Mado(麻都) of Alla(安羅)", Chiyeok Kwa Yeoksa(地域과 歷史), No. 2 (Dec. 1996): 95-137
·"A Study on declining Process of Alla(安羅) and Kara(加羅)", Chiyeok Kwa Yeoksa(地域과 歷史), No. 4 (Dec. 1997): 131-172
·"Kaya(加耶) and the Ancient Japan on the historical texts", Kaya and The Ancient Japan (Nov. 1997): 127-153
A Review of the Foundation Myth of Kaya, YOKSA WA HYONSIL, No.33 (Sep. 1999):112-142
A Study on the Kaya-Invasion of Paekche in the First Half of 6th Century, THE PAEKCHE YONKU, Vol.31(Feb. 2000):57-92
The Political Structure of Gaya-Focused on ‘the System of Bu(部)’-, The Journal of Korean Ancient History, No.17(Mar. 2000):303-339
The Relationship between Gaya and Wa Viewed from the Sentence Carved on the Gwanggaeto-wang Stele, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, Vol. 110(Feb. 2004):579-608
An Essay on Regional League of the Gaya, Chiyeok Kwa Yeoksa, No. 17 (Dec. 2005): 5-43
The Inscription ‘Ha-Bu-Sa-Ri-Ri' and The Gaya's Bu, History & Boundaries, No. 58(Mar. 2006):95-132
The Comment about Essay on Ancient State Gaya, BUDAE SAHAK, No. 30 (Aug. 2006):243-267
Woo-Reok's Exile and the Formation of the Silla Country's Ceremonial Music, Han’guk Minjok Munhwa, No. 29 (Apr. 2007):145-190
The Establishment and Significance of Gaya Culture Circle, YOUNGNAMHAK, Vol. 13 (Jun. 2008):61-109
The Example and Category on ‘Imnailbonbu’, Chiyeok Kwa Yeoksa, No. 24 (Apr. 2009):117-157
The Reargument on the Delegated Nucleus of ‘Imna-Ilbonbu(任那日本府)’-Focusing the Criticism of Baekjea(百濟) and Various ‘Wa(倭)’ Delegation View-, Han’guk Minjok Munhwa, No. 37 (Jul. 2010):161-219
Issues on the Border and Sowing between Alla and Silla-As a Background of Appearance of ‘Imnailbonbu’-, Chiyeok Kwa Yeoksa, No. 27 (Dec. 2010):107-144