DEGREE : Ph. D. (Seoul National University)
·History Education
·「The Selection of Contents and Organization of the Secondary World History on the Premodern Period」, 『History & the Boundaries』48,(Pusan-Kyungnam Historical Society, 2003)
「Some Aspects of Nation and Nationalism in History Teaching」, 『The Korean History Education Review』95,(The Korean History Education Society, 2005)
「The Organization of Secondary Social Studies 'Differentiated Curriculum' and its Practice」『Social Studies Education』44-3,(Korean Social Studies Association, 2005)
「Influence of the National Curriculum and Textbook Publication Policy on History Textbook」『Studies on History Education』2,(The Korean Association of History Teaching , 2005)
「韓國における民族主義論議と歷史敎育」, 『歷史地理敎育』696,(歷史敎育者協議會, 2006)
「The Production of Secondary School History Text and Communication between History Teachers and Students」,『History & the Boundaries』59, (Pusan-Kyungnam Historical Society, 2006)
「A Study on Establishment and Spread of Modern Primary School in Province KyungNam」『History & the Boundaries』67,(Pusan-Kyungnam Historical Society, 2008)
「The Transition of Cognitions about Ancient's Nations and States in Korean History Textbook」『The Journal of Korean Ancient History』52, (The Society for Ancient Korean History, 2008)
「Facts and Standpoints in Highschool History Textbook」, 『History & the World』35 (Hyowon Historical Society, 2009)
「'Curriculum Leadership' and 2009's National History Curriculum」『History & the World』36 (Hyowon Historical Society, 2009)
「Scope and Sequence of 2007 National History Curriculum」『Teacher Education Research』49 (Research Institute for Science Education College of Education Pusan National University, 2010)
「Organization of Highschool 'Korean History' Curriculum and Aspects of 'korean History' Textbook Approval」『Studies on History Education』12(The Korean Association of History Teaching, 2010)
「Memory·lose of Memory·Pictures of the Past - the Impact of TV Historical Drama on viewer's Perception of History」, 『Studies on History Education』13 (The Korean Association of History Teaching, 2011)